Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teleni likely to be on his way out

October 13, 2009
It has emerged that Teleni is likely to be given the boot by tyrant Frank Bainimarama for his reckless spending that has resulted in the busting of the Fiji Police budget by many millions of dollars.

Teleni is a well-known poor money manager who , during his years at QEB, embezzled millions from the military’s auxillary funds that sources not only uniforms, but also eating, cooking utensils and other items often required by military officers as part of their combat kit.

It has been revealed that Padam Lala doesn’t only supply police and military uniforms to the junta but he also sources many purchases for them with the endorsement of his long-time friend Teleni, whose Colonial Bank account was reported to have been credited with a $100,000 deposit last year, believed to be his “cut” from Padam Lala for the military police uniform business.

Frank, who is also Fiji’s illegal Minister for money is believed to be disappointed with the way Teleni is abusing taxpayers funds, especially with the funding of his imposed New Methodist crusade as a Police funded initiative and his irresponsible spending splurge on Padam Lala whom he has been adviced is giving kick-backs to Teleni.

Frank is also said to be intimidated by Teleni’s ”empire building” strategy and is determined to cut-off Teleni who is turning out to be a big nuisance to his long-term plans.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Oilei e vacava tiko

They’re all Jezebels and all in the running. Here are their latest thoughts:

Jezebel 1 : I got me a brazillian wax ‘ALL OVER’ under my green blanket. Where’s Epeli the blerry fool ! Must be chasing another young skirt. Doesn’t he realized his ‘vosi’ is all waxed and ready for the tumble at the ‘White House’ bed.

Jezebel 2 : I’d better keep all these under wraps. the time will come when my FF (FuckFranck) husband will run out of ideas, then I can offer myself to his military cabinet in exchange for the ‘White House’. I so very much like to live in that palace.

Jezebel 3 : ‘Oilei e vacava tiko ‘o Tu Ga ! E cava e sega tiko ga kina ni rawa ni keitou lako yani e na ‘White House’ ? Me vatotolo tiko ‘o koya, sa toso tiko na gauna. Na ‘vosi qas’ ‘qo sa viavia oti tiko yani na nona wapelepele, sa vakayagataki tu ga ‘qo me i mimi. Isa ! au nanuma sara na gauna…………………….

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Blogger Yalomatua say's Isa……Ni bula vinaka talatala Atu kei Radini Raijeli sa daumaka vakaoti na nomu drau dau vunataka na vosa ni Kalou…..cecere….lagilagi ia e dua na ka me da sa…… YALOMATUA …….ena kena vakadewa taki na vosa ni Kalou.Me …..MATAU….. ka vaka ga na ka e vakanananu kina na Kalou vei keda.E vinaka ni katakata ka lau ni sa vakadewa taki ia….e dodonu me lako vata toka kei na YALO MATUA kei na VUKU, ka vakabibi nai vakarau ni yalo e vunau taki tiko kina na vosa ni Kalou.Ni sa na yali ga na vakarau ni Yalo Vinaka e biuta na Kalou,sa basika sara e vuqa na qaciqacia,baleca kana laki tukuni sara kina eso na vosa sega soti ni KILIKILI. ME VAKA “NA KEI ATU OQO” SE “TOLU NA DIGO KA TIKO VUA” ya e nomuni ga moni kila ka sega ni dodonu me keimami kila. Me veivuke na Kalou vei kemudrau.Drau veicai

New Methodist targeting the youths who are the future of Fiji

The New Methodist seem to target the youth who are the future of Fiji. The new election date now is 5 years away. Children now 13 years old will be eligible to vote at 18. This is the target group. Adults converting to New Methodists are a bonus. Some older patriarchs of the other denominations standing fast on their faith and forbidding their children and kin towards this new movement will pass away within that time (is this what is hoped?), strongholds on kids broken as a result. The bainimaramaman has been quoted saying he will stand in the next election. This seem to indicate a little confidence that the plan is working if one is to assume that the new methos are coup apologists and this movement is slowly but surely growing. Can we also assume that either or both the Teleniman and his brother Atu will also stand for election with popular vote coming from their followers. So can I assume that this New Methodist Movement is really in actual fact a 5 year election campaign.

All we hear are erotic stories from the bedroom

Blogger Flash say's Well lets just wait and see how far these guys will go with their bragging.There is no substance in their sermons,all we hear are erotic stories from the bedroom.Which is totally true to what the bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

All they do is talk about the wealth that they have accumulated and absolutely nothing based on the word of God.I’m quite surprised at the number of people who are following them


E via dua ga a noqu cau lekaleka me baleti rau a turaga vei watini, e dina e sa levu a meca vakasisila e da rogoca ni rau kaya, e vkaevei me da kua sara ni vakayavalati i na meca e rau vunautakina voli baleta sa dina ga kina a vosa ni volatabu ni kaya “e da na kilai ira ga ena vuadra”. Ia sa basika tu a meca e tei vaka jiko. au kaya mada , a meca vkadomobula ni da mai vakadewatakina cala a vosa ni kalou. Sa rauta mera sa vakadrecike a tamata kara vutavuta sara ni mate mera rogoca a vosa ni kalou, baleta gona eso a tamata tawa macala, vakatoto qavokavoka, vakilakila ka vaka vure lua a nodra i vosavosa e tawa macala mada se ra lako tu mai vaka evei ki vuravura i ei? E ta kawa soji ni tamata vinaka.


Moderator can you PLEASE confirm whether ATU is in Hospital? Coz’ Raijieli said he is in England….and I can’t find him here. When he comes to England we are ALWAYS the 1st to know – WEKAS?…..Hellooo!

Reliable sources say that he is being admitted @ Ba Mission Hospital! Is it because they cannot afford Private Hospital or is he there to hide from the Public.

Things are finally catchin’ up!